Avaliações de suomalainen

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A avaliação média de suomalainen é de 5 5 estrelas.

Celestial Navigation

por Anne Tyler

Em Oct 4 2009, Suomalainen disse:
suomalainen deu a este livro uma 5 de 5 estrelas.
I was very disappointed with the ending. I couldn't believe Mary's reaction. Yet on the other hand, it exemplified just how little we know about the people in our lives. For Jeremy to leave the safety of his home and travel first by walking, then by waiting with others at a bus stop, then riding on the bus to a place he's never been before, and finally finding his way to Mary and the children should have had Mary doing cartwheels of happiness. To see how Mary reacted made me look at how I react to those I love, and it was that insight that made the book very much worth reading. I'm also a teacher, and Jeremy resembles my autistic students who exhibit many of the same behaviors. I was hoping that even though Jeremy and Mary did not get back together (were they ever together?), that he and the children would have remained in touch. It's always the children who suffer because the "grown" people can't be more accepting of one another.