Avaliações de kass33

California, United States

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A avaliação média de kass33 é de 0 5 estrelas.
Em Oct 28 2010, Kass33 disse:
This is a wonderful book - I couldn't put it down. It is an account of a collection of netsuke owned by a succession of related family from 1871 to the present. The author is the fourth owner of the 264 netsukes. You also get a very personal look at both European and Japanese history and culture during this time, including the harrowing survival of the collection during the holocaust thanks to a beloved servant. Edmund de Waal brings to life what actually living through tumultuous times were like, including France in the 70's, pre-WWII and WWII in Vienna, ex-pats living in Japan after WWII plus some understanding of the life of a world-famous potter in England today Don't miss this book.