Avaliações de DowninginReadingPA

Pennsylvania, United States

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A avaliação média de DowninginReadingPA é de 4 5 estrelas.
Em Nov 26 2010, DowninginReadingPA disse:
DowninginReadingPA deu a este livro uma 3 de 5 estrelas.
Dr. Mark Ravitch worked under then with and carried on after Dr. Alfred Blalock. What Ravitch has done here is collected Blalock's published papers from his earlier years. That these account for over 1200 pages in an 8 x 10.5 inch format should give an idea of how prolific Dr. Blalock was. These papers were generated both in the operating room and in the experimental surgical lab. Surgically, this is ancient history. For a researcher, each day brings more of this material on line. Still, for the right person---someone like me, who works in cardiac surgery, knew many of the early pioneers of it as a child, and am a bibliophile----this book was certainly worth the price. A buck, plus 4 for shipping! Dr. Ravitch's labor of love and medical education was once invaluable to a generation or two of physicians. Now, it is a heavy item of curiosity. To browse its pages is to become illuminated as to how far we have come. What we did not know as recently as 1950! We had TV, radar, radio, rockets, and barely knew how to suture an artery.For specialized minds.

More Than Just a Game

por Chuck; Close, Marvin Korr

Em Oct 9 2010, DowninginReadingPA disse:
DowninginReadingPA deu a este livro uma 5 de 5 estrelas.
In 1965 I watched a young man from my college dorm window. It was our first day at college. He was a stranger and remained so, but I have never forgotten him. He carried a ball onto the adjacent field, dropped it, flipped it into the air with his foot, bounced it off his head, caught it with his foot, juggled it with his feet. After a few minutes he was joined by another young man; before long about 20 guys were having a fine time, although I heard many languages rise off the turf. My college had an English for Foreign Students program. These were boys from around the world, but they all spoke the same game, what we call soccer.Unbeknown to me, at about that same time, in a prison in South Africa,political prisoners, in one of the world's worst prisons, began a project: To form within the prison a football club, run according to International (FICA) rules.Their story---who they were, who they became, how they fought the prison system, overcame a starvation diet, endured days spent breaking up rock, survived the brutalization of the guards, formed clubs and teams and then played the game----their story is one of human triumph and a testament to the fact that soccer, futbol if you wish, is a true international language, transcending nationality, religion and gender. More than just a game, indeed.