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New York, United States

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The Meaning Of Prayer

por Harry Emerson Fosdick

Em Dec 7 2012, CyberFaith disse:
This is my first “public” review about a book. I took what I have been sharing with some other men in church and informally at a weekly prayer breakfast in sharing why I thought they all should have this book. If you are someone who has reached a point in your life like I was about how do I measure that what I speak before the Throne of God, in asking myself is indeed prayer or is it something that I can say I heard myself speak, thus I am in good standing with God?I started seeking out books and sermons by people that have foundational threads into the marrow of America and Rev. Fosdick was one of those "sewers". He shared from his life with us as a Minister and as a person seeking to communicate with God. He also set out things that would also teach in such a way that this book could be used in a small classroom or around the home family time to teach humble methods of thinking and putting into words everything in our hearts and lives before God as our living Creator. Rev. Fosdick was able to merge the teaching prayers of those before and around him into examples in this book, as heart beats as footprints that God listens for. He presents definitions via thoughts on paper about what is transpiring before God in private and sometimes in public. He is teaching areas of prayer that we the readers can where ever we may be, learn to be like Adam in the Garden at the end of the day walking & speaking with our Creator or like Paul who said he prayed at all times for those around him. This is a solid book that should be a part of a library or on your bed stand, or near your Bible because it is enjoyable reading. It can move the reader to tears to smile and to ponder. These are good variations when reading a “teaching” book when sitting alone in a comfortable chair. As I continue to seek to hold & read from people that I think I want to allow into my life in a way that I’m willing to consider using pieces of their thought life as worthwhile in helping me learn how to not feel daunted by the prayers in the Bible. This is spiritual food that simply is well written and thoughts are presented better than I do justice speaking about. You can read one line or one page at a time, taking pause and returning to re-read & think over again, and Rev. Fosdick's book "The Meaning of Prayer" is one of those treasures. A great gift for those you care about and those they “listen” to. In closing, I encourage you especially if you are a teen and if you are a young adult entering the military, take it with you. I wish I had this book years ago when the nights were long.