Red Cell - Rogue Warrior

por Marcinko, Richard and John Weisman


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Em Apr 26, 2012, budp50401 disse
I have read everything Marcinko has written and feel that without a doubt he is someone to listen to regarding the security of the United States and Terrorism. Red Cell is his second book following his autobiography Rogue Warrior. Marcinko isn't the most popular person with the military for 2 reasons, he makes sense and is willing to do anything necessary to get the job done even if it pisses off people with stars and titles like Senator. Not very politically correct. I actually know a person that was on one of the bases Red Cell 'hit'. And I was told that the fecal matter flew for weeks after the embarrassing incident and then everything went back to pretty much 'normal'. The powers that be should be honoring this military hero and innovator and using his knowledge and experience to make our borders and country more safe for Americans. Many of the things that have taken place in the last 20 years I had read warnings about in Rogue Warrior and Red Cell. Is he a prophet? No, he is a true warrior and patriot that could still advise our military and foreign relations if these C2 liberal idiots would listen. What is C2? Read the books and look at our present state of affairs and you'll discover what FUBAR is as well.

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