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Gil Blas. Volumes I & II. -

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Gil Blas. Volumes I & II. -

Gil Blas. Volumes I & II.

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Tan leather half binding with blue and white marbled paper boards. Raised banding with gilt title on the spine. Dimensions are for one volume.

A very clean and readable edition of Gil Blas Gil Blas is a picaresque novel by Alain-René Lesage published between 1715 and 1735. It was translated into English by Tobias Smollett. Gil Blas is born in misery to a stable hand and a chambermaid of Santillana in Cantabria and is educated by his uncle. He leaves Oviedo at the age of seventeen to attend the University of Salamanca. His bright future is suddenly interrupted when he is forced to help robbers along the route and is faced with jail. He becomes a valet and, over the course of several years, is able to observe many different classes of society, both lay and clerical. Because of his occupation, he meets many disreputable people and is able to adjust to many situations, thanks to his adaptability and quick wit. He finally finds himself at the royal court as a favourite of the king and secretary to the prime minister. Working his way up through hard work and intelligence, Gil is able to retire to a castle to enjoy a fortune and a hard-earned honest life. Gil Blas is related to Lesage's play Turcaret (1709). In both works, Lesage uses witty valets in the service of thieving masters, women of questionable morals, cuckolded yet happy husbands, gourmands, ridiculous poets, false savants, and dangerously ignorant doctors to make his point. Each class and each occupation becomes an archetype. This work is both universal and French within a Spanish context. However, its originality was questioned. Voltaire was among the first to point out similarities between Gil Blas and Marcos de Obregón by Vicente Espinel, from which Lesage had borrowed several details. Considering Gil Blas to be essentially Spanish, José Francisco de Isla claimed to translate the work from French into Spanish in order to return it to its natural state. Juan Antonio Llorente suggested that Gil Blas was written by the historian Antonio de Solís y Ribadeneyra by arguing that no contemporary writer could have possibly written a work of such detail and accuracy.

Gil Blas, in full Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, picaresque novel by Alain-René Lesage, published in four volumes—the first two in 1715, the third in 1724, and the fourth in 1735. 'Considered one of literature's first realistic novels, Gil Blas takes an ordinary man through a series of adventures in high and low society. The work helped to popularize the picaresque novel, which was already widespread in Spain, though the work's happy ending, in which the hero achieves wealth and respectability, gave a new twist to the picaresque tradition.' The picaresque novel (Spanish: picaresca, from pícaro, for "rogue" or "rascal") is a genre of prose fiction. It depicts the adventures of a roguish, but "appealing hero", usually of low social class, who lives by his wits in a corrupt society. Picaresque novels typically adopt a realistic style. There are often some elements of comedy and satire. While the term "picaresque novel" was only coined in 1810, the picaresque novel originated in Spain during the Spanish Golden Age in 1554. Early contributors included Mateo Alemán and Francisco de Quevedo and flourished throughout Europe for more than 200 years. It continues to influence modern literature.

Why you should read Gil Blas. References and allusions in other works Gil Blas is mentioned in Jean-Paul Sartre's novel Nausea. The central character is showing the Autodidact some photos. One of them is of Santillana. The Autodidact responds by asking "the Santillana of Gil Blas?" Gil Blas is referred to by Jonathan Swift in his satirical Directions to Servants, dated 1731, with recommendations for the servants of rich masters to take the most advantage and have the least trouble in their daily tasks. In the chapter aimed at the "House Steward and Land Steward", Swift specifically instructs the reader to look up what Gil Blas has to say on the matter, as a more qualified source thus acknowledged. The 1751 play Gil Blas by the British writer Edward Moore was performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane with David Garrick in the title role. Vasily Narezhny imitated Lesage in his 1814 novel A Russian Gil Blas Gil Blas is alluded to in Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's Venus in Furs. The character Wanda von Dunajew ascribes the cause of her own free thinking to an early introduction to classical works; these include Gil Blas, which she read at the age of ten. "Gil Blas" is referred to in Honoré de Balzac's Facino Cane. The protagonist promises to spare the narrator "tales of adventures worthy of Gil Blas". In Oliver Wendell Holmes's The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table (1857), the Autocrat begins Section IX with the famous quote from Lesage's Preface: "Aqui esta encerrada el alma del licenciado Pedro Garcia": "Here is enclosed the soul of the lawyer Pedro Garcia". This signals that his own readers, like the two bachelors of Salamanca who discover Garcia's gravestone, will need to "fix on the moral concealed" beneath the surface of his recollections if they are to receive any benefit from them. In a letter to William Dean Howells (July 5, 1875), Mark Twain tells of just completing the manuscript for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (written in the third person) and deciding against taking Tom into adulthood: to do so, he says, "would be fatal ... in any shape but autobiographically – like Gil Blas". Scholar Walter Blair in Mark Twain and Huck Finn (1960) thus concludes that Twain's new novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which, picaresque-like, "would run In his plan for the novel The Life of a Great Sinner, Dostoyevsky notes that the concision of this work will at times mirror that of Gil Blas. Gil Blas is also mentioned in Chapter III of Dostoyevsky's A Gentle Creature, in which the narrator asks, "Why, didn't she tell me that amusing story about Gil Blas and the Archbishop of Granada herself the day before yesterday? We were discussing books. She was telling me about the books she had been reading that winter, and it was then that she told me about the scene from Gil Blas." its protagonist 'through life', had to be written in the first person; Gil Blas was the model". In A Rogue's Life by Wilkie Collins the rogue declares, "I am as even-tempered a rogue as you have met with anywhere since the days of Gil Blas." Edgar Allan Poe considered it among "the finest narratives in the world". Also he mentions the archbishop in Gil Blas in the short story "The Angel of the Odd": the angel makes a low bow and departs, wishing, in the language of the archbishop, "beaucoup de bonheur et un peu plus de bon sens." Italo Calvino's main character in The Baron in the Trees reads the book and lends it to a brigand. Gil Blas is mentioned in Thomas Flanagan's 1979 novel The Year of the French, in which poet Owen MacCarthy mentions having it with him "on [his] ramblings, years ago." Flanagan uses the book to connect the poor Irish citizens and their French allies in the 1798 Rebellion, illustrating that the Irish may not all be as simple as Arthur Vincent Broome, the loyalist narrator, presumes. This allusion to Gil Blas also connects the somewhat roguish MacCarthy to the picaresque protagonist Gil Blas. Chapter 7 of David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens, relates the story of Gil Blas to Steerforth and Traddles. Poor Traddles' teeth chatter and are overheard by the brutish headmaster Creakle who goes on to "handsomely flog" Traddles "for disorderly conduct". Charles Dickens, in American Notes for General Circulation and Pictures from Italy," invokes "the mysterious master of Gil Blas" in reference to a pig in New York City. One of Thomas Edison's closest early friends, Milton F. Adams, was referred to as a modern Gil Blas for his life of travel and dissolution as a "tramp operator", roaming from place to place and as far away as Peru as an itinerant telegraph operator. In The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne, in his description of Holgrave (Chapter XII), says "A romance on the plan of Gil Blas, adapted to American society and manners, would cease to be a romance." His implication is that the normal experiences of a young American, such as Holgrave, are so extraordinary in comparison with those of Gil Blas, that they make the latter's adventures seem ordinary. Hawthorne then writes, "The experience of many individuals among us, who think it hardly worth the telling, would equal the vicissitudes of the Spaniard's earlier life; while their ultimate success ... may be incomparably higher than any that a novelist would imagine for a hero." According to Vincent Cronin's biography, the first thing that the 15-year-old Napoleon did on arriving in Paris was to buy a copy of Gil Blas. In Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana Jr., the author describes the passengers aboard his ship the Alert, as it sailed along the California coast in 1836 from Monterey to Santa Barbara. The author writes: "Among our passengers was a young man who was the best representation of a decayed gentleman I had ever seen. He reminded me much of some of the characters in Gil Blas." Describing Don Juan Bandiniand, he writes: "He was of the aristocracy of the country, his family being of pure Spanish blood, and once of great importance in Mexico ... Don Juan had with him a retainer, who was as much like many of the characters in Gil Blas as his master. He called himself a private secretary, though there was no writing for him to do, and he lived in the steerage with the carpenter and sailmaker". Gil Blas was the name of a nationalist Brazilian literary journal in 1920, reflecting the Gallic leanings of Brazil's literary scene in the early 20th century and the resonance of the picaresque character in Brazilian culture. In the fantasy novel Silverlock by John Myers, the character Lucius Gil Jones is a composite of Lucius in The Golden Ass by Apuleius, Gil Blas, and Tom Jones in The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding. In The Social History of Bourbon, Gerald Carson notes that the education of young men in antebellum Kentucky meant they "read law with the local judge, studied medicine at the Louisville Medical Institute, wrote stilted verses in the neoclassical fashion, read Gil Blas and books on surveying, farming, and distilling." In his 1954 novel A Fable, William Faulkner has General of Division Gragnon obsessively reading Gil Blas during his house arrest after his front-line division mutinies. A member of his staff had died protecting a car with prominent visitors by forcing them to stop short of where an incoming shell landed. When he was arrested, Gragnon remembered this officer telling him about Gil Blas and located the book among his effects. In his preface to The Ambassadors, Henry James mentions the narration methods of Gil Blas and David Copperfield as alternatives to the narrative technique he himself used in The Ambassadors. Washington Irving's A Tour On The Prairies includes a section describing a wanderer on the American prairie frontier, whom he refers to as a "Gil Blas of the frontier". Thomas Jefferson included Gil Blas in his list of recommendations to Robert Skipwith of books for a general personal library. According to Schopenhauer, it is one of the few novels showing "what is really going on in the world". In "O homem que sabia javanês", a short story by Lima Barreto, written in 1911 and published by Gazeta da Tarde, an allusion is made between the characters of Castelo and Gil Blas. In Chapter 5 of his Education of a Wandering Man, Louis L'Amour describes his "good fortune" in finding an abandoned copy of Gil Blas in a laundry room. He later reads it by firelight in the camp where he worked skinning dead cattle "not once but twice, on the plains of West Texas." In the 1892 novel Ask Mama published by Bradbury, Agnew & Co. the mule of Gil Blas is referred to when, referring to his horses, "as a buyer he [Major Yammerton] made them out to be all faults, as a seller when they suddenly seemed to become the paragons of perfection". Tobias George Smollett (baptised 19 March 1721 – 17 September 1771) was a Scottish poet and author. He was best known for picaresque novels such as The Adventures of Roderick Random (1748), The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (1751) and The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (1771), which influenced later novelists, including Charles Dickens. His novels were liberally altered by contemporary printers; an authoritative edition of each was edited by Dr O. M. Brack Jr and others. In 1748 he translated: The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, published anonymously (dated, incorrectly, "1749"), translated from the original L'Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane by Alain-René Le Sage

Alain-René Lesage 6 May 1668 – 17 November 1747; older spelling Le Sage was a French novelist and playwright. Lesage is best known for his comic novel The Devil upon Two Sticks (1707, Le Diable boiteux), his comedy Turcaret (1709), and his picaresque novel Gil Blas (1715–1735). The first two parts of Gil Blas de Santillane were published in 1715, without the popularity of Le Diable boiteux. Lesage worked at it for a long time and did not bring out the third part till 1724, nor the fourth till 1735. During these twenty years he was, however, continually busy. Notwithstanding the great merit and success of Turcaret and Crispin, the Théâtre Français did not welcome him, and in 1715 he began to write for the Théâtre de la foire, the comic opera held in booths at festival time. According to one computation he produced, either alone or with others, about a hundred pieces, varying from strings of songs with no regular dialogues, to comediettas only distinguished from regular plays by the introduction of music. He was also industrious in prose fiction. Besides finishing Gil Blas he translated the Orlando innamorato (1721), rearranged Guzman d'Alfarache (1732), published two more or less original novels, Le Bachelier de Salamanque and Estevanille Gonzalez, and in 1732 produced Les avantures de monsieur Robert Chevalier, dit de Beauchêne, capitaine de flibustiers dans la Nouvelle-France, which resembles certain works of Daniel Defoe. Besides all this, Lesage was also the author of La Valise trouvée, a collection of imaginary letters, and of some minor pieces including Une journée des Parques. He did not retire until 1740, when he was more than seventy years of age; he and his wife went to live with his second son, who was a canon at Boulogne-sur-Mer. Lesage's eldest son, Louis-André, had become an actor, and Lesage had disowned him. Lesage's last work, Mélange amusant de saillies d'esprit et de traits historiques les plus frappants, appeared in 1743.

  • Livreiro Martin Frost GB (GB)
  • Formato/Encadernação Calf spine with marbled boards.
  • Estado do livro Usado - Fine
  • Quantidade Disponível 1
  • Encadernação Capa dura
  • Editorial Effingham Wilson.
  • Local de publicação London
  • Data de publicação 1833
  • Dimensão 12 x18 x3cm
  • Size 12 x18 x3cm

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The Argosy. Volumes 1 & 2.
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The Argosy. Volumes 1 & 2.

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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 124,59

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Brown calf spine and corners, marbled boards with gilt title and banding. Dimensions are for one volume.
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Ellen Price (17 January 1814 – 10 February 1887) was an English novelist better known as Mrs. Henry Wood. She is best remembered for her 1861 novel East Lynne. Many of her books sold well internationally and were widely read in the United States. In her time, she surpassed Charles Dickens in fame in… Ler mais
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€ 124,59
Speeches By Joseph Chamberlain.1903.
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Speeches By Joseph Chamberlain.1903.

por Joseph Chamberlain MP

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  • first
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First edition
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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 106,62

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Red cloth binding with gilt title on the spine.
A First Edition once belonging to the Chamberlain family.
Joseph Chamberlain (8 July 1836 – 2 July 1914) was a British statesman who was first a radical Liberal, then, after opposing home rule for Ireland, a Liberal Unionist, and eventually served as a leading imperialist in coalition with the Conservatives. He split both major British parties in the course of his career. He was father, by different marriages, of Nobel Peace Prize winner Austen Chamberlain and of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain made his career in Birmingham, first as a manufacturer of screws and then as a notable mayor of the city. He was a radical Liberal Party member and an opponent of the Elementary Education Act 1870 on the basis that it could result in subsidising Church of England schools with local ratepayers' money. As a self-made businessman, he had never attended university and had contempt for the aristocracy. He entered the House of Commons at 39 years of… Ler mais
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€ 106,62
The Polyglot Bible.
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The Polyglot Bible.

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Facsimile large edition
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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 107,82

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Black leather binding with gilt title on th e spine and embossed pattern on both boards. All edges gilt.
This is an excellent resource, that said we request that the prospective buyer writes in to obtain more information to ensure that this Bible meets the buyer's needs.
A polyglot is a book that contains side-by-side versions of the same text in several different languages. Some editions of the Bible or its parts are polyglots, in which the Hebrew and Greek originals are exhibited along with historical translations. Polyglots are useful for studying the history of the text and its interpretation.
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The Dairyman's Daughter.
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The Dairyman's Daughter.

por Rev Leigh Richmond

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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 107,82

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Green binding with gilt title on the spine. Gilt title and flowers, girl and river scene on the front board.
A collected edition of Richmond's stories of village life, first published in 1814 under the title of Annals of the Poor .Scarce in this edition published by Hatchard, a new edition, enlarged and illustrated with a frontispiece portrait engraving of author The first publication with An Introductory Sketch of the Author by the Rev. John Ayre, A. M. dated Feb. 21st, 1828. Legh Richmond (1772 - 1827) was an English divine. He was powerfully influenced by William Wilberforce's Practical View of Christianity, and took a prominent interest in the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Church Missionary Society and similar institutions. The best known of his writings is The Dairyman's Daughter, an early 19th century Christian religious booklet of 52 pages, which had a remarkably wide distribution and influence. It was a narrative of the religious experience of Elizabeth Wallbridge, who was the person… Ler mais
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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 155,74

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Green cloth binding with gilt title and brown flower design the spine and front board. Dimensions are for one volume.
Beautifully illustrated.
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Nineveh and It's Remains. Layard. Volumes I. & II.

por Austen Henry Layard

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  • first
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first edition
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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 167,72

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Tan leather spine with red and green title plates, gilt banding and lettering on the spine. Blue marbled boards.
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€ 167,72
Charles O'Malley. Volumes 1 & 2.
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Charles O'Malley. Volumes 1 & 2.

por Harry Lorrequer

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  • first
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First edition
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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 99,43

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Black leather spine with maroon title plate, raised gilt banding and gilt lettering. Blue and red faded marbled boards. Dimensions are for one volume. Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon Dublin, William Curry, Jun. and Co. (1841)
A VERY FINE FIRST EDITION Edited by Harry Lorrequer with illustrations by "Phiz" In two volumes Lever had never taken part in a battle himself, but his next three books, Charles O'Malley (1841), Jack Hinton and Tom Burke of Ours (1857), written under the spur of the writer's chronic extravagance, contain some splendid military writing and some of the most animated battle-pieces on record. In pages of O'Malley and Tom Burke Lever anticipates not a few of the best effects of Marbot, Thibaut, Lejeune, Griois, Seruzier, Burgoyne and the like. His account of the Douro need hardly fear comparison, it has been said, with Napier's. Condemned by the critics, Lever had completely won the general reader from the Iron Duke himself downwards.
Charles James Lever (31 August 1806 – 1 June… Ler mais
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€ 99,43
Yorkshire Archaeological Journals. 1891-1900
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Yorkshire Archaeological Journals. 1891-1900

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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 125,79

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Green cloth binding with gilt title, banding and seal on the spine. Black line design with gilt roses and diamond emblem on the front board. Dimensions are for one volume. five volumes.
The Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society (YAHS), formerly known as the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, is a learned society and registered charity founded in 1863. It is dedicated to the study of the archaeology, history and people of the three Ridings of the historic county of Yorkshire. It publishes an annual journal, the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal; and, particularly through its Record Series, it also functions as a text publication society. Its headquarters are in Leeds.
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€ 125,79
Yorkshire Archaeological Journals. 1902-1915.
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Yorkshire Archaeological Journals. 1902-1915.

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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 125,79

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Green cloth binding with gilt title, banding and seal on the spine. Black line design with gilt roses and diamond emblem on the front board. Dimensions are for one volume. Eight volumes
The Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society (YAHS), formerly known as the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, is a learned society and registered charity founded in 1863. It is dedicated to the study of the archaeology, history and people of the three Ridings of the historic county of Yorkshire. It publishes an annual journal, the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal; and, particularly through its Record Series, it also functions as a text publication society. Its headquarters are in Leeds.
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€ 125,79
In Parenthesis.
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In Parenthesis.

por David Jones

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Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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€ 100,63

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In a fitted box. Green cloth binding with white title on the spine and front board.
In Parenthesis is an epic poem of the First World War by David Jones first published in England in 1937. Although Jones had been known solely as an engraver and painter prior to its publication, the poem won the Hawthornden Prize and the admiration of writers such as W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot. Based on Jones's own experience as an infantryman, In Parenthesis narrates the experiences of English Private John Ball in a mixed English-Welsh regiment starting with embarkation from England and ending seven months later with the assault on Mametz Wood during the Battle of the Somme. The work employs a mixture of lyrical verse and prose, is highly allusive, and ranges in tone from formal to Cockney colloquial and military slang.
Walter David Jones CH, CBE (1 November 1895 – 28 October 1974) was a painter and modernist poet of partly Welsh background. As a painter he worked mainly in watercolour on portraits and animal,… Ler mais
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€ 100,63
Lesage, Historie De Gil Blas De Satillane Volumes I and II
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Lesage, Historie De Gil Blas De Satillane Volumes I and II

por Guirand, Felix

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Usado - Good Minus
First Thus
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Milwaukee , Wisconsin, United States
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Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
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€ 9,43

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France: LIbrarie Larousse Text in French. Two Volumes. Volume I: 109pp. Volume II: 100pp. a poorly glued "Used text book" sticker on the half title page causing creasing to the title page and first few pages. Both volumes have heavy underlining. Both volumes have staining of the front wrap. Spines are sunned. Tips and spine ends are lightly bumped and rubbed and have light edgewear.. First Thus. Soft Cover. Good Minus.
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€ 9,43
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Confessions of Con Cregan, The Irish Gil Blas (Volumes I & II)

por Lever, Charles

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Usado - Fair
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No Jacket
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La Porte, Texas, United States
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€ 14,21

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Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1895. AY6 - Books have library markings (labels, stamping, cardholder, etc.), cocked, wrinkling, chipping, scuffing, rubbing, bumped corners, scratches, some tears and crease, lightly soiled, discoloration, and shelf wear. The Novels of Charles Lever. With an Introduction by Andrew Lang. Confessions of Con Cregan, The Irish Gil Blas with illustrations by Phiz. In Two Volumes. Of the limited edition of Charles Lever's novels twelve hundred-fifty sets have been printed for America. Number 991.. Limited. Hard Cover. Fair/No Jacket. Illus. by Phiz. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Ex-Library.
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€ 14,21
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The Adventures of Gil Blas Volumes I and II

por LE SAGE - Trans. T. Smollett

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  • fair
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Usado - Fair
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London, London, United Kingdom
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€ 47,92

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London: J. Walker etc., 1818. Hardback. Fair. 2 vols. Paper covered boards. 3x6 inches. Some uncut pages. Both vols have frontispiece and illustrated title page. Vol. I 430 pp, Vol. II 432 pp. Boards of both vols browned,bumped at edges and worn at spine. List of Walker's British Classics printed on rear board of both vols. Fair condition.
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€ 47,92
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Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana, escrita en francés por Lesage y traducida al castellano por el Padre Isla. I-II Vols.

por Lesage

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Canet de Mar (Barcelona), Barcelona, Spain
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€ 50,00

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Barcelona, , 1900. . 2 volúmenes. 24x15 cm. . Montaner y Simón, Editores, I: 378 páginas, 2 hojas. II: 409 páginas, 3 hojas. Ilustrado con grabados de M. Leloir. Encuadernación en medio pergamino en el lomo y tela editorial ilustrada. Buen estado. Primera edición. Biblioteca Universal Ilustrada.
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€ 50,00
Oeuvres. Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, avec notice et notes par A. P. Malassis, tomes I ˆ...

Oeuvres. Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, avec notice et notes par A. P. Malassis, tomes I ˆ IV. - ThŽ‰tre, avec notice et notes par FrŽdŽrcic Dillaye, 1 volume. - Le Diable boiteux, avec une notice par M. Anatole France, 2 tomes. (7 Volumes, complets).


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CH-1773 Russy (Fribourg), Switzerland
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€ 114,61

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Paris, : Alphonse Lemerre, 1878, 1878, 1879,. 155x90mm,. frontispices, brochŽ. Couverture ˆ rabats. Dos des tomes de Gil Blas de Santillane I et IV fendus, tome III couvertures et dos empoussirŽs, tome II en bon Žtat. Dos du tome I de Le Diable boiteux fendus, tome II en bon Žtat. Volume du thŽ‰tre dos fendu avec couvertures et dos empoussirŽs. IntŽrieurs propres sur tous les sept volumes. 1500
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€ 114,61
Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, Par Le Sage. Volumes I,II & III

Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, Par Le Sage. Volumes I,II & III

por Lesage, Alain René

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Condição de sobrecapa
No Dust Jacket
Quantidade Disponível
Launceston, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 131,78

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Paris: P.Pourrat, 1832. Book. Very Good. Hardcover. 8vo. Dated 1832, complete in three volumes. A very good set uniformly bound in contemporary half polished tan calf with decoration to the spine, red and black spine labels. cloth boards lightly worn and marked, corners rounded. Bindings very good. Contents clean and bright, light signature to the front paste down of each volume, unmarked, very few spots to the first few pages, internally bright. An attreactive clean set.
Preço do item
€ 131,78
Gil Blas. Volumes I, II & III.
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Gil Blas. Volumes I, II & III.

por Tobias Smollett

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Usado - Muito Bom
Cooke's edition
Quantidade Disponível
Scarborough , North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 628,95

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Black calf Spines with gilt banding and title. Black and tan marbled boards. Dimensions are for one volume.
The photographs do not do justice to this set. Internally the volumes are in fine condition, though externally these volumes could do with a good polish. Translated from the French of Le Sage by T. Smollett, M.D.
Gil Blas ("L'Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane" is a picaresque novel by Alain-René Lesage published between 1715 and 1735. It is often considered to be the last masterpiece of the picaresque genre. It was highly popular, and was translated several times into English, most notably by Tobias Smollett in 1748 as The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane.
This style of novel originated in 16th-century Spain and flourished throughout Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It continues to influence modern literature. Alain-René Lesage (1668-1747) was a French novelist and playwright best known for his comic novel "The Devil upon Two Sticks" (1707), his comedy "Turcaret" (1709), and his… Ler mais
Preço do item
€ 628,95
Secret Splendor (Silhouette Classics, No 11)

Secret Splendor (Silhouette Classics, No 11)

por Claire, Erin St (Sandra Brown)

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  • Muito Bom
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Usado - Muito Bom
ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
9780373482474 / 0373482477
Quantidade Disponível
Olive Hill, Kentucky, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 2,84

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Silhouette, 1992. Paperback. Very Good. Sandra Brown writing as Erin St. Claire, 253 pgs
Preço do item
€ 2,84
The Republic Of Plato
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The Republic Of Plato: A New Version Founded On Basic English

por Richards, I.A

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Quantidade Disponível
Tempe, Arizona, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 9,45

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1942 - noted on the copyright page as "A WARTIME BOOK This complete edition is produced in full compliance with the government's regulations for conserving paper and other essential materials" book: very good -tight, sound, and square, no previous owner marks - moderate edgewear plus rubbing to the boards - some toning from age - no dj - includes a vintage (pre - "The Google") Buccaneer Books Laguna Beach, CA out-of-print book search card
Preço do item
€ 9,45
The Birth and Death of Meaning:  An Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Problem of Man
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The Birth and Death of Meaning: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Problem of Man

por Becker, Ernest

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  • Bom
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Usado - Bom
Condição de sobrecapa
No Jacket
Quantidade Disponível
Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 9,48

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New York: The Free Press, 1971. Second Edition. Contents include: The Man-Apes; The Origins of the Mind; The Distinctive Human; The Inner World; Socialization: the Creation of the Inner World; The New Meaning of the Oedipus Complex; Self-Esteem; Culture and Personality; Social Encounters: The Staging of Self-Esteem; Culture: the Relativity of Hero-Systems; What is Normal?; What Would A Science of Man Then Be?; Religion: The Quest for the Ideal Heroism. 228 pages. Edgewear; light wear to covers; worn corners and light creases on spine. Deeply creased spine opens flat at pages 60/61. Thanks for shopping with us! 100% of your purchase benefits charity and supports literacy and lifelong learning.. 2nd. Soft Cover. Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall.
Preço do item
€ 9,48
More Than Forever
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More Than Forever

por McLean, Jay

  • Usado
  • Bom
  • Brochura
Usado - Bom
Condição de sobrecapa
No Jacket
ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
9781505999471 / 1505999472
Quantidade Disponível
Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 9,48

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2014. Book Four in the More Than Series 8vo size trade paperback; 369 pages Please note: This book has a Mature Readers Advisory. From back: "Lucy - There is love so fierce it cannot be measured... Cameron - Forever. Everlasting. Eternal. THere is no measure of time... But our forever isn't always." Creased back cover and last few pages, worn corners. Thanks for shopping with us. 100% of your purchase benefits charity and supports literacy and life-long learning.. Trade Paperback. Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Private Press.
Preço do item
€ 9,48
Unreal Tournament Bradygames Official Strategy Guide
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Unreal Tournament Bradygames Official Strategy Guide

por Marcus, Phillip

  • Novo
  • Brochura
Condição de sobrecapa
No Jacket
ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
9780744009552 / 0744009553
Quantidade Disponível
Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 9,48

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Bradbury & Evans, 2007. Covers PC-CD ROM/DVD ROM & Playstation 3 Computer Entertainment System 4to sized softcover; 271 heavy glossy pages with color illustrations throughout Brand new, but note some edgewear and blemish to top of back cover. Thanks for shopping with us. 100% of your purchase benefits charity and supports literacy and life-long learning.. Trade Paperback. New/No Jacket. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall.
Preço do item
€ 9,48
A Million Miles from Boston
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A Million Miles from Boston

por Day, Karen

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  • Bom
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  • Assinado
  • first
Usado - Bom
Condição de sobrecapa
ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
9780385738996 / 0385738994
Quantidade Disponível
Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 10,42

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2011. 8vo size hardcover with dust jacket; 215 pages. Signed by author on title page. Stated First Edition From jacket: "(Lucy) wants to get out of Boston and forget her worries about starting middle school and about her father's new girlfriend. Pierson Point is where she feels most like herself, and where memories of her mother, who died when Lucy was six, are strong and sacred. But this summer, nothing is the same. Ian, a boy from home in Boston, comes to Pierson Point...Lucy's father wants his girlfriend to become a bigger part of Lucy's life. Though Lucy struggles against change, she gradually realizes that sometimes, change is for the better. Average wear to jacket; bumped corners and head and heel of spine, owner's name on fep. Autographed Copy sticker on front of jacket; one previously folded page corner. Quotes are for illustrative purposes only and remain the property of their copyright holders. Thanks for shopping with us. 100% of your purchase benefits… Ler mais
Preço do item
€ 10,42
A study of child-nature from the Kindergarten Standpoint
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A study of child-nature from the Kindergarten Standpoint

por Elizabeth Harrison

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  • Muito Bom
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Usado - Muito Bom
Quantidade Disponível
Garland, Texas, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 11,37

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A study of child-nature from the Kindergarten Standpoint by Elizabeth Harrison. Published by Chicago Kindergarten College; 4th edition (1892). 207 pages. Interior clean and unmarked except for previous owner's name and date of Aug 1893 on fly page. Another fly page has "Compliments Chicago Kindergarten College Co." in handwriting. Edge of several pages have slight bend and small tear. Hardback with no dj if offered. Slight bumping on edges and spine. Blue cloth cover and spine has some fading. Condition: Good. Measures 7.5" x 5"
Preço do item
€ 11,37
Kane & Abel
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Kane & Abel

por Jeffrey Archer

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  • first
Usado - Book Club
Condição de sobrecapa
Has Jacket
Book Club
Quantidade Disponível
Decatur, Indiana, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 14,21

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New York, 1979. Book Club. Hardcover. Book Club/Has Jacket. Book is a book club edition. Quite a few closed tears, chips, and other signs of wear to the dust jacket. Some bumping to the boards at corners, edges and ends of the spine. Pages are clean.
Preço do item
€ 14,21
In This Moment
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In This Moment

por Doughton, Autumn

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  • Muito Bom
  • Brochura
Usado - Muito Bom
Condição de sobrecapa
No Jacket
ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
9781492167761 / 1492167762
Quantidade Disponível
Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 13,26

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North Charleston, South Carolina: Creative Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. 8vo size trade paperback; 283 pages From back: "Aimee Spencer learned the hard way that for some moments there are no take backs, no rewinds, no do-overs. A year ago her world imploded and Aimee has been running ever since. .. Cole Everly is a golden boy with a cocky smile and an attitude to mach. He 's grown accustomed to girls throwing themselves at his feet, but when Aimee trips and literally lands in his lap one afternoon, she's not at all what he expects..." In excellent condition! Thanks for shopping with us! 100% of your purchase benefits charity and supports literacy and lifelong learning.. Trade Paperback. Very Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall.
Preço do item
€ 13,26
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por O'Leary, Brian

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  • first
Usado - Muito Bom
Condição de sobrecapa
Very Good
First Edition
Quantidade Disponível
Tempe, Arizona, United States
Avaliação do vendedor:
Este vendedor ganhou uma avaliação de 5 de 5 estrelas de Biblio clientes.
Preço do item
€ 15,15

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1987 - 1st ed ("1" in number line) - INSCRIBED to include shark-faced rocket cartoon - "Exclusive Preview of the U.S. - Soviet Manned Mission - book: very good - pages show toning from age - dj: very good - some toning from age - dj in protective mylar sleeve
Preço do item
€ 15,15